Formulaic Music

Formulaic Music


Just another chain of thought which progressed during the shower. So everything is based on numbers, i.e. quantum behaviour. What determines the appreciation of art? With drawing/paint kind of art, there's the basic of the golden ratio. Not going to expand on this area because my mind doesn't want to explore this.

Where I'm going is with music. Take a sample of the population , say one million people. Since we are taking a subset of all the people in the world, let's take a subset of all the music in the world, the amount I have on my HDD - roughly 14,000 songs.

The probability of an EXACT shared music taste out of all these songs between the people is roughly zero. I'd say it's near impossible for two or more people to have the exact opinion of every song.

Well I haven't really accomplished much in the previous two paragraphs other than that music is subjective.

I feel like doing some combinatorics I'll elaborate.

Take the album I'm listening to: THE PIONEERS OF SENSATION by NEW BREED. It has 10 tracks. Assuming a digital rating of each track out of ten (realistically it would be an analogue rating giving infinite possibilities but I'm keeping it simple).

Rating = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }

That means there are 11^10 possible different ratings for the 10 songs alone. ( 25,937,424,601 ), so for 14000 tracks it's going to be stupidly high.

The above shows that any attempt to create a mathematical function to produce music that each person likes is going to be near impossible.

However, with the advance of neural networks, maybe in 100 years we'll have enough computing power to do so? Obviously musicians will not take kindly to this.

Maybe in the future, instead of albums, we'll buy algorithms to create music:

function music ( random_seed, music_taste ) returns *.flac


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