Armand Navabi


Armand Navabi (MC Plus+) has been a motivator throughout my University life with his music. He released two albums under the genre chip-hop (rap with nerdy lyrics). Armand's lyrics are about his experience doing his PhD in Computer Science. I can't remember when I first found the albums, but it most have been around 2008, when I was really starting to get into programming.

I don't know what it is about the music (since he's just recorded it for a laugh - and indeed the lyrics are very amusing), but with lines such as:

"My homies don't throw b-balls, they throw exceptions"

 It's definitely very awesome. Unfortunately he has never released anything other than those two albums in '05 and '06 (at least under the MC Plus+ moniker). Today I stuck his name into Google and found a video of him doing a 'speech' after he has just handed his thesis in:

Armand Navabi, PhD. - Rap from Shawn Dildine on Vimeo.

It also feels quite fitting since I will be starting my PhD next year. And I'm so damn excited :D


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