Awe-inspiring things I learned in my first year as a COMPUTER SCIENCE student

Awe-inspiring things I learned in my first year as a COMPUTER SCIENCE student


When making coffee, the milk goes in before the water, so the coffee doesn't burn and the coffee tastes much less bitter.

Turning up to lectures is the most difficult thing ever, though you can still attain high grades without going. As most of the time lectures involve sitting in a room listening to someone drone on while aimlessly browsing facebook. I'd rather just lie in bed.

Be helpful towards other people, but don't let them take the mick.

>You will have more free time than you'd ever think it possible (especially exam semester) and watch so many TV series you'll be bored.

Slices of bread make a brilliant substitute to burger rolls for burgers. Burgers and bread.

When writing lab reports, just waffle. It seemed that my longest piece of work was graded highest, and my shortest the lowest. Coincidence, I think not.

Drinking around 7 pints of tea a day will screw up your sleep, no matter how much you think you're immune. You aren't.

Trolleys are fun.


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