PhD (Wtf? An academic blog post?)

PhD (Wtf? An academic blog post?)


This will probably be the first post in a significant time that's actually related to University, I may have written some posts about programming but mostly it's either a Japanese note list or just an absense of posting. It also seems as though I've got into a habit of starting my infrequent posting with a little ramble about my infrequent posting. I should probably try to stop this habit, but my blog hasn't got any readers so it's not like it's annoying anyone (except myself - I'm sat here wondering why I'm still typing, but of course I won't delete it because I've spent time writing all these words.) What's more annoying is that my spellchecker is defaulted to US English and is suggesting to correct 'absense' to 'absence'. Anyway...

to do a PhD for a while, probably second year near the end I put a decent amount of thought into it. I researched the application process and other things and of course I stumbled across the (ridiculous) cost of a PhD and realised I couldn't afford that so I placed the idea of doing a PhD in the back of cupboard and pretend it didn't exist. Fast forward to now and I find out my Grandad has the money to fund me and also from what my Dad said seemed as though I should stay in education to earn a better degree. (Wish I was told this earlier.) So I had a choice: do a PhD, or take a job with an awesome company. I chose the former since it's an opportunity that I can't imagine will come up again, plus I really really want to do one.

So I roll out of bed, shower, dress and cycle to Uni with the intention to talk to my Final Year Project adviser about potential research topics since I have been interested in data mining (his area of expertise). He was surprised I wanted to do a PhD rather than take a job offer, but maybe it's due to the common perception (of which I'm not sure how much truth there is to it) that people take PhDs to avoid job hunting/be a student for longer. Hell, I'm not going to enjoy being poor for another three years... All those potential trips to Japan I'm missing out on :( But I can't dwell on the negatives!

My adviser gave me a wealth of information, but part of me was worried that he'd think I was too stupid to do a PhD (even though my grades say otherwise) - however, that wasn't the case. He seemed confident that I would be able to complete a PhD, which also helps me feel a lot more confident. He also cleared up the research proposal that I was scared about but he put it into perspective and it doesn't seem too bad. Well, it's perfectly fine - definitely helps I'd be applying to the course as an Alumni of the same University.

Also I prompted (and sort of helped) a friend write an email that got him an extra £5,000 in his salary for his offered job - another high point of today!


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