


So I've been listening to a lot of bands from the Phillipines lately, first found bands who sang in English (Typecast, Chicosci), but now I'm starting to delve deeper and find bands singing in their native language, Filipino. In particular, one band I'm really enjoying is Kamikazee. I first saw this video of them:

appearance of the lead singer I expected him to bust out deathcore-esque vocals, so at first I was suprised at the pop-punk vocals and then just assumed Kamikazee were one of those bands who had a mix of clean and harsh vocals. Rest of the song... No harsh vocals. Admittedly I was kind of dissapointed at the end, as I expected something I didn't get, however, part of me did enjoy the song. So I listened again, listening to the song rather than trying to predict it.

Straight to downloading their album! Only listened to it once solidly through, enjoyed it. But I'm still too addicted to Halik to really enjoy songs, so I just need to play Halik a few more times and then relisten to the album to truly appreciate it.

I did a search for Kamikazee on Facebook, and they have 100k likes, the majority of those will be from the Phillipines/Asia as Filipino bands haven't reached the same level of popularity in Western countries that bands from Japan have - so they are pretty popular.

One of the album's songs: If You're Not Here, features the vocalist of Typecast and he does some harsh vocals so that's my favourite on the album (second only to Halik of course)!


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