Fun fun fun. 6 of them down, 2 left. Sadly I'm going to finish nine days later than the majority on my course because of my choice in optional modules. Thus it has resulted in the maximum length possible exam period for a second year student to have.
So far the exams I've had are:
Computer Architecture | Assumption: Hardest | Reality: Easy
Algorithms | Assumption: Medium | Reality: Medium
Databases | Assumption: Hard | Reality: Medium
Java | Assumption: Easiest | Reality: Hardest (so far)
Advanced Databases | Assumption: Medium | Reality: Easy/Medium
OS | Assumption: Hard | Reality: Easiest (so far)
Compilers exam is up next and no-one really knows what is going on. Looking through past papers, half the content in them seems to not be in the lecture notes - so we need to do an exceptional amount of additional reading. However, I recieved my coursework back the other day and had got 100% for the compiler I had designed!
So Crossfaith a couple of weeks ago just finished their third UK tour. On this tour I saw them three times:
First Show - Unit Club, Southampton
In this show Crossfaith were playing the headline slot at a club. Since it was a club night after their set, we got to drink with some of them until 3AM. First time I was drunk in a year and a half! Best night ever - partying with one of my favourite bands!
Second Show - Pyramid Centre, Portsmouth (w/ Bring Me The Horizon)
Caught Crossfaith's setlist and got it signed by all of them at the end. BMTH's set was awesome (unfortunately it wasn't an 18+ gig so I could pretty much push the pit over by myself). During BMTH I crowdsurfed twice, the first time I got to high five Oli Sykes! The second time, people couldn't hold me up and I was hanging upside down for around 10 seconds hoping I wouldn't get trampled - scary as shit.
Third Show - Underworld, London (w/ WBTBWB, Hacktivist)
Crossfaith. Crossfaith. Crossfaith. Fucking brilliant set. BUT I had my phone pickpocketed which really did fuck up the night. Missed around 3 songs at the end (pissed off I had my phone nicked and a 9AM exam the next day - bad combination!!). Though I get to hear something of their first album - FUCKING SEEN THEM FOUR TIMES BEFORE AND NEVER HEARD A THING!! - Mirror! Which aside from being pissed off - was insane.
Exam went shite though!
If you've read previous posts (or even know me) then you'll know I am obsessed with a band called LOST. So much so I am making them a game (like Tap Tap Revenge but with their music) and I've set up a UK Street Team (though it's not so much a Street Team more just hoping for discussions about music and translated posts). I'm hoping to go to Japan this summer and see them play a few shows, but they have only announced one show so far where you have to purchase the CD from certain retailers to have a chance of getting a ticket - not worth the hassle really. Whether I end up seeing them on their native land or not, I'm fucking determined to get them playing on English soil.
I've applied for a summer internship at a company called Conjure. From what I gather they make bespoke mobile apps for other businesses which want them. I wrote the covering letter in around ten minutes (not my best effort) but the deadline for the internship was that day, and I had an exam the next day which took priority. But I think the covering letter (and/or CV) ticked off at least some of what they were looking for as they've invited me for an informal chat about the internship on Thursday morning. Hopefully the chat will be good, checked the site of the company and they all seem like nice people.
I'm hoping they'll allow me time off to potentially go to Japan to see LOST, but either way I can't hinge my summer on waiting for LOST to potentially announce tour dates. LOST release a new EP in nine days (29th) so I'm hoping they'll announce the dates then.
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