This year E3 was about preparing for the future of XING, and taking some time off from development to have a bit of fun! Since James and I both live in California, we decided to go to meet with contacts, make new friends and try out the latest games! We put the latest alpha build on some flash drives for some of the contacts we would be meeting with....and I added XING stickers to make them look nicer :)
Day 1
Since we didn't have any meetings in the morning, the first thing we decided to do was explore. This resulted in some Star Wars photos!
Trying out the Omni:
James and I both got to try the Virtuix Omni. I went into it with an open mind, try to think of how this could be applied to XING (naturally), and I actually came away impressed. At first it felt clunky, having to waer the belt and feeling the plastic bowl under the special shoes - but once I got into the game I didn't focus too much on where I physically was in real life - but rather I focused on where I was in the demo. Though it's definitely not for everyone, I think this could be a fun addition to any VR experience that required locomotion - plus, it might help keep you in shape! ;)
Although I feel that this technology isn't ready for the public market quite yet - since I get Sim Sickness in VR games, I can see something like this helping people like from from feeling any sort of SIM-related nausea.
Of course, we hope to eliminate that as much as we possibly can for everyone in XING - without anyone having to buy a crazy omni-treadmill unless they truly want to!
Stopping by the Nintendo Booth:
The Star Fox Zero theme was blasting through the hall
Shigeru Miyamoto!
Day 2
During our free time, we tried to play as many games as we could.
align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="tr-caption-container" style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: center;">Playing the latest Star Wars expansion of Disney Infinity
James playing the latest Ratchet and Clank
Ratchet appeared while we were playing his game!
Trying out VR games at the Indicade area!
We tried out the Virtulaizer after trying out the Omni the day before.
This didn't require special shoes. Instead they put nylon booties over our normal shoes so that we would "slip" around the slick, flat surface. Unfortunately, this did not feel as good as the Omni, as far as an omni-directional treadmill for VR goes. It was far too slippery to feel like actual walking, and the tracking for the demo was not perfect. Overall, it was fun to try out a different technology, but I would personally choose an Omni over the Virtualizer.
Little Big Planet!
Rooftop after-party. Secrets.
Day 3
More photos from the last day, in-between meetings!
Street Fighter V Photo Op! Hi-Ya!
Giant NES controller
Harvest Moon :)
Palmer Lucky being interviewed on the show floor.
Star Wars X-Wing custom videos!
All suited up and ready to pilot!
A video of James Piloting the X-Wing!
Trying out SOLUS in the Xbox booth.
I scored a Fable Legends cape!
Goodbye E3 - see you next year!
We had a great time making contacts and playing games at E3 this year. Afterwards it was back to developing, as usual :)
More good things to come!
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