Recieved an email from my school at Uni telling me that Microsoft are running a 'camp' later on in March covering Windows Phone Development (there's also a chance to win a Nokia Lumia 800 for attendance - shame I won't win it).
Since C# is required (well, standard) for WP Dev, I'm going to have to delve into C#. My one grip with C# is how it's heavily tied to Windows and very similar to Java. Microsoft should have gone down the Visual Java route instead of changing that to Visual C#. Well at least I have to familiar Visual Studio IDE to code in.
As a side note, when I went to create a C# project, I noticed that there was a language F# available. Really, Microsoft, really?
The first line of Wikipedia states "F# (pronounced F Sharp) is a multi-paradigm programming language, targeting the .NET Framework, that encompasses functional programming as well as imperative and object-oriented programming disciplines." To me that sounds a lot like C#, but I'll read on...
Some sample code:
let rec factorial n =
match n with
| 0 -> 1
| _ -> n * factorial (n - 1)
Seems to be a mixture of Python and the pseudocode language SPARKS. Since I dislike Python and this psuedocode language, I don't think I'll be checking it out anytime soon.Anyway I have a free weekend ahead of me, hopefully enough food so that I can avoid fresh air like the plague, time to delve into C#!
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