Three Notes

Three Notes


Note One - TeX

I just wrote my CV in \TeX~and it's awesome. I never realised how great \TeX~was (though I shouldn't really have doubted it in the first place since it is from Knuth himself). It removes the annoying habit MS Word has of completely destroying your formatting when you add a line break. Definitely going to write all my coursework reports in \TeX~now!

Note Two - Electric Rain Android Cancelled

to my lecturer who will set the Android game coursework next semester. There will be constraints for the game to be made which I won't find out until when the coursework is set. Therefore no Electric Rain on Android. I will however continue the PC version! Glad I didn't do too much work on the XML parser for the Android version.

Note Three - Another Open Source Project (Codename: Genji [my man crush in Crowz Zero])

Since I listen to a lot of Japanese music (all tagged properly in hiragana, katakana and kanji even though I can't read it), I found myself  trying to work out a song name for the romaji. So what about a music player, compatible with lastfm, where you can temporarily convert artist names/song names in kanji, into romaji! Not sure if Java is the way to go. Depending on how far I get, I may rewrite in C++. If this seems good enough I may use it as a final year project - in which case the audio player will be closed, the japanese converter will remain open.

There are some converters already available, but I want to reinvent the wheel. :)


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