Electric Rain

Electric Rain


Electric Rain is a 2D RPG I am currently developing. It is being implemented in Java with LWJGL and Slick2D. Orignally intended to be an open source project, I decided it would be a good base for my Java coursework next semester which involves creating a game for Android. I'm aiming for the game to be mostly logic so I can go for an easy port across (the fewer graphics functions to reimplement, the better). Though I may just aim it at Android altogether as the battle system will be horrible to get working for screen size variations, looking into it, it seems the Android SDK provides methods to help deal with this. So I may just look into the SDK tonight.

show a screenshot as all I'd really be showing are the RPG Maker tiles. (Annoyingly there are some really tiles on the RPG Maker forums but being the circlejerk of anti-programming infidels it is, they are only for use with RPG Maker.)

Although still an idea jumping around my brain like a twelve year old drinking energy drinks, I intend for Electric Rain to be set in the future (think Ghost In The Shell esque but less guns and more swords and magic). It will future a turn-based battle system in the vain of Pokémon/Final Fantasy (formulae from Pokémon and simplicity from Final Fantasy - taking the easy way out).

The player will start off having one character in their party and work their way up to four. Encounters will be through wild grass (like Pokemon) and potentially more major battles happen not by random.


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