Winter has Come - So We Are Turning Up The Heat!

Winter has Come - So We Are Turning Up The Heat!


Hey everyone!

It's been a while since our last post, and a lot has happened!

We've been working around the clock in preparation for the holidays. Each of us took some well earned time off for Thanksgiving weekend, and now we are making the last big push before we take off for 2 weeks toward the end of December.

Thanksgiving Break

I'll try to make another post before we go, but I make no guarantees!

Anywhoozel, this past month has been very exciting for us.
We are finally working on our Volcano level! It is a definite change of scenery, and we welcome the change.
My cat helping me sketch out ideas for XING

Here are some sneak peak shots of our work in progress:
*Just remember that these screenshots are not exactly what you will see in the final game, since there is still so much to be done!*

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In case we don't make another post before the break, we hope you all have an amazing holiday this year!


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