Reverse Engineering Jet Set Radio HD - Part 7


I've figured out where the textures for the stages are stored - much simpler than the character files as they have no header and are just combined PVR files stored in a TXP file (I'm assuming TXP is short for texture pack).

Though the stage textures are in multiple AFS files and it all gets quite confusing. I'll use Shibuya as an example as that's the only one I've tested. As far as I know, 4 AFS files relate to Shibuya's textures:


STAGE1TXP_ALL.AFS contains all the textures used for Shibuya (a combination of the textures in the AREAx files). However, I first edited a texture in this file and the change didn't show up in game - at least it didn't show up when I played Shibuya's Jet Technique challenge).

I'm assuming AREA2, AREA3 and AREA 4 contain the textures for different parts of the map, though I'm not sure which as in my mind there are four areas to Shibuya:
Bus Station
Sewer Tunnel
Park Area

Though the Sewer Tunnel doesn't use too many textures so that could be merged in with another. Anyway, I edited, I think, an AREA4 texture, and replaced it with my face and got this:

 My cousin joked that I should make "AlexDiru's Face Replace" which would be a button to replace every texture in the game with my face. It would be a lot of extra coding and would require JSReverse to be improved a lot - in fact I want to improve it to automate the process, and I know how to do it, it's just a lot of work and no-one has created textures other than me yet so there's not point :'(

So far JSReverse supports the modification of the textures:
Characters: Gum, Beat, Mew, Yoyo, Slate, Combo, Noise Tank
Stages: Shibuya


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