All LOST Songs


Innocence (2004)
Unseen Sights (2007)
Unwritten Pages (2010)
Discovery (2010)
The Monsoon (2011)
Recreator (2013)

Live Distributed
The Red Leaf (2010): The Red Leaf (demo) @ Discovery Tour Finale

This is Forever (2008): Treaded Paths
Unknown Plates (2008): Perfection (demo)
A Decade In Three Ways (2009): A Simple Thing (rerecorded), Out of the Circle (demo)
YOU NAME IT. (2009): Life (demo)
Never Forget The First Impulse (2010): In the room of apathy and religion - I'm assuming this is a demo version

Seven Falls And Eight Rises (2011): Starfish Promise (demo)
Zest For Living Vol.1
(2011): The Red Leaf (album version)
Punk Goes Classic Rock (2011): Runaway (Bon Jovi Cover)
Zest For Living Vol.2 (2012): Prisoner of Milky Way (demo)
A SANTA CAUSES -It's A Pop Rock Christmas- (2012): Christmas Eve -English Version-
maximum10 compiles This. MAYDIE!! (2013): THE LAST SUPPER
Punk Goes Pop 5 (Japan Edition) (2013): Live While We're Young (One Direction cover)

(demo) means a version of the song recorded before the song was released on a studio album/EP
(rerecorded) means a version of the song recorded after the song was released on a studio album/EP
(album version) mean a version of the song that is the same as the version on the studio album/EP


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