Personal Diary

Personal Diary


Aside from receiving yet more TV licensing harassment letters this week, the slightly less interesting item is that I'm team leader for a group project. I've never imagined myself doing another group project (one can hope) - not that I had a bad team last year, they were very good, I just prefer the responsibility for my grade to come from me and only me. Anyway being team leader puts me in a more worrying position than usual, as I'm not just responsible for my own grade, but since I'm the one to be handing in assignments, I'm partially responsible for the others' grades. Greater responsibility aside, it will be interesting nonetheless, as it's probably the first time I've ever stepped up for something like this. I guess it will prepare me for later life as the CEO of Speddingsoft/Spedsoft (those are both awful names, but you get the idea).

n't written a lengthy blog post for a while ever, and I seem to be rarely updating this. I'm going to aim to try and update this twice a week - though not every post is likely to be on technology related subjects (this post). I will probably alternate between more of personal diary (as far as I am willing to post to the denizens of the internet - a high level overview of my life and any good shows I'm watching not on TV), and random rambles about impossible technology/projects I'm working on/projects I'd like to work on but not motivated enough/the infinite amount of coursework this year compared to last.

Back to the team leader/group project. The first assignment has come in today, due 13th December and worth 40% of the whole module mark - if we magically get 100% here then we've passed the module by the skin of our teeth. But 100% is nearly impossible when the content is subjective, not objective like glorious maths.

Random facts I've learned this year are:

  • A bowl of Cheerios for breakfast is redundant, I might as well just not eat
  • It takes more than 3 days of drinking black coffee devoid of sugar to get used the taste, 3 days does make progress but I'd still much prefer a splash of milk in there. Hopefully I can stick it out
  • A chicken sandwich and a bowl of Cheerios doesn't make a fulling dinner
  • Motorbike gloves are awesome
  • As an extreme precaution against (push)bike thievery, when I get back home, I dismantle my handle bars from the bike, and keep the pieces on my person. I don't assume a potential bike thief is going to have a set of alan keys and the random bike specific bit needed to fit the handlebars back on. I just hope this doesn't backfire on myself and I lose the bits, and end up with a handle-less bike - needless to say, it's impossible for a regular mortal to ride as I've tried.


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