Logic Gates in Portal 2

Logic Gates in Portal 2


I recently bought Portal 2 and was playing around with the editor and after a post on Reddit, I was wondering if it was possible to create logic gates. Attempted creating NOT, AND, NAND and OR. The first three were simple, the OR had to be constructed from 3 NAND gates

Overview of the map:

NOT gate: Just connect a laser to a switch and start the laser as enabled.

AND gate: Just connect two switches to a laser

NAND gate: Two switches to a laser with output enabled by default
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OR gate: The only complicated gate. Using the formula z = !(!(pp).!(qq))

Each initial switch is connected to two different lasers each. This calculates pp and qq of the formula. Each of the 2 laser catchers on each side are connected to a laser that is enabled by default - calculates the !pp and !qq. That laser is fired at a laser catcher on each side, which is connected to the output laser, forming: z = !pp.!qq. And finally the output laser is set to enabled by default, thus the whole equation is 'notted'


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