Computing the mean, median and mode of an array

Computing the mean, median and mode of an array


An old programming practical was to compute the mean, median and mode of an array in C, I wanted to convert this to C++ using vectors and templates:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

template <class Ty> struct frequencyTracker; //structure for tracking the mode

template <class Ty> vector<Ty> getVectorFromArray(const Ty *arr, int numElements); //converts a given array into a vector
template <class Ty> Ty* getArrayFromVector(const vector<Ty> *vec); //converts a given vector into an array

template <class Ty> Ty compareValues(const void *x,const void *y); //comparison function for the quick sort

template <class Ty> void qsortVector( vector<Ty> *toSort ); //quicksorts a vector

template <class Ty> double getMean(const vector<Ty> *values); //gets the mean of the given values
template <class Ty> double getMedian(const vector<Ty> *values); //gets the median of the given values
template <class Ty> Ty getMode(const vector<Ty> *values); //gets the mode of the given values

int main()

       int arr[] = {2,2,9,5,6,5,3,5,6};
       vector<int> values = getVectorFromArray<int>(arr,9);

       cout << "Mean: " << getMean(&values) << endl;
       cout << "Median: " << getMedian(&values) << endl;
       cout << "Mode: " << getMode(&values) << endl;

       return 0;

template <class Ty> struct frequencyTracker
       Ty value;
       int count;

template <class Ty> Ty compareValues ( const void *x, const void *y )
       //comparison function
       Ty dx,dy;
       dx = *(Ty*)x;
       dy = *(Ty*)y;
lass="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal; margin-bottom: .0001pt; margin-bottom: 0cm; mso-layout-grid-align: none; text-autospace: none;">       if (dx < dy) return -1;
       else if (dx > dy) return 1;
       else return 0;

template <class Ty> void qsortVector( vector<Ty> *toSort )
       Ty *vectorArr = new Ty[toSort->size()]; //create array
       for (vector<Ty>::size_type i = 0; i < toSort->size(); i++)
              vectorArr[i] = (*toSort)[i]; //push all values into array
          qsort(vectorArr,toSort->size(),sizeof(Ty),&compareValues); //sort array
       for (vector<Ty>::size_type i = 0; i < toSort->size(); i++)
              (*toSort)[i] = vectorArr[i]; //push array values into vector
       delete[] vectorArr; //clearup mem

template <class Ty> vector<Ty> getVectorFromArray(const Ty *arr, int numElements)
       vector<Ty> conversionVector;
       for (int i=0;i<numElements;i++)
       return conversionVector;

template <class Ty> Ty* getArrayFromVector(const vector<Ty> *vec)
       Ty *conversionArray = new Ty[vec->size()]; //allocate memory
       int a = vec->size();
       for (int i = 0; i < vec->size(); i++)
              conversionArray[i] = (*vec)[i];
       return conversionArray;

template <class Ty> double getMean(const vector<Ty> *values)
       double mean = 0;
       for (vector<Ty>::size_type i=0;i<values->size();i++) //sum
       return mean/values->size();

template <class Ty> double getMedian(const vector<Ty> *values)
       //quicksort the array
       vector<Ty> sortedArray;
       for (int i=0;i<values->size();i++)
       //get the median
       if ((values->size()/2)*2 == values->size()) //if num elements is even
              return static_cast<double>(sortedArray[values->size()/2-1]+sortedArray[values->size()/2])/2; //return average of the middle values
       else return sortedArray[(values->size()-1)/2]; //return n+1 element

template <class Ty> Ty getMode(const vector<Ty> *values)
       //quicksort the array
       vector<Ty> sortedArray;
       for (int i=0;i<values->size();i++)
       //get the mode
       frequencyTracker<Ty> MaxValue;
       frequencyTracker<Ty> CurrentValue;
       MaxValue.count = 0;
       MaxValue.value = 0;
       CurrentValue.count = 0;
       CurrentValue.value = 0;
       for (
              int j=0;
              if (!!j) //if not first element ( i != 0 )
                     if (sortedArray[j] == sortedArray[j-1])
                     else //new value, reset counters
                           if (CurrentValue.count > MaxValue.count) //new max freq found
                                  MaxValue = CurrentValue;
                           //reset current value
                           CurrentValue.count = 1;
                           CurrentValue.value = sortedArray[j];
                     CurrentValue.count = 1;
                     CurrentValue.value = sortedArray[j];

       //one last check for the final element
       if (CurrentValue.count > MaxValue.count) //new max freq found
              MaxValue = CurrentValue;

       //delete[] sortedArray;
       return MaxValue.value;


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