C Linked List Additional Comments

C Linked List Additional Comments


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct listNode
       int value;
       struct listNode *nextPtr;

typedef struct listNode ListNode;
typedef ListNode* ListNodePtr;

void insert ( ListNodePtr *sPtr, int data )
       ListNodePtr newPtr,prevPtr,currPtr; //pointers to new node, prev node and current node

       newPtr = (ListNodePtr) malloc( sizeof(ListNode) ); //allocate memory

       if (newPtr != NULL) //if space available
              newPtr->value = data; //data is the value we are inserting to the list
              newPtr->nextPtr = NULL; //setup new ptr to point towards nothing as we haven't found it's insertion point yet

              prevPtr = NULL; //no previous nodes as we are starting at the beginning of the list
              currPtr = *sPtr; //*sPtr is the node that is at the end of the list

              //diagram: prevPtr -> n -> n+1 -> ... -> sPtr

              //find correct insertion place
              //we first check the value we want to insert against prevPtr, if it's larger than prevPtr, we continue along the list to sPtr
              //currPtr moves along the list

              //i.e. step (1) prevPtr -> n -> n+1 -> ... -> sPtr
              //                         currPtr
              //        step (2) prevPtr -> n -> n+1 -> ... -> sPtr
              //                                    currPtr
              //        step (3) prevPtr -> n -> n+1 -> ... -> sPtr
              //                                          currPtr
              //        step (.) prevPtr -> n -> n+1 -> ... -> sPtr
              //                                                  currPtr
              //        step (n) prevPtr -> n -> n+1 -> ... -> sPtr
              //                                                        currPtr

              while (currPtr != NULL && data > currPtr->value)
                     //move to next node
                     prevPtr = currPtr;
                     currPtr = currPtr->nextPtr;

              if (prevPtr == NULL) //insert the newptr at the beginning of the list, as the data we want to insert is the smallest value
                     newPtr->nextPtr = *sPtr;
                     *sPtr = newPtr;
              else //insert newptr between currPtr and prevPtr
                     prevPtr->nextPtr = newPtr;
                     newPtr->nextPtr = currPtr;
       else printf("Insert of %d failed, no memory available\n",data);
lass="MsoNormal" style="line-height: normal; margin-bottom: .0001pt; margin-bottom: 0cm; mso-layout-grid-align: none; text-autospace: none;">char destroy( ListNodePtr *sPtr, int data )
       ListNodePtr tempPtr,prevPtr,currPtr; //pointers to a temp node, prev node and current node

       //delete first node
       if ( data == (*sPtr)->value) //if the first node has the value we are looking to delete
              //we need to clear up the end list pointer, currently it is like
              //     sPtr -> ptr1 -> ... -> ptrn
              //as we are deleting the starting pointer, we need ptr1 to be the starting pointer:
              //     ptr1 -> ... -> ptrn

              tempPtr = *sPtr; //temporarily store sptr (for deletion)
              *sPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr; //the starting ptr is now the next node in the list (ptr1 in diagram)
              free (tempPtr); //clear up the memory used for the old starting pointer
              return 1; //return to confirm deletion
              //step back in the list
              prevPtr = *sPtr;
              currPtr = (*sPtr)->nextPtr;

              //loop until the element is found in the list
              while (currPtr != NULL && currPtr->value != data)
                     prevPtr = currPtr;
                     currPtr = currPtr->nextPtr;
              //if node has been found
              if (currPtr != NULL)
                     //remove it from the list
                     //     prevPtr -> currPtr -> nextPtr
                     //                      remove
                     //so prevPtr needs to point to nextPtr

                     tempPtr = currPtr; //store for deletion
                     prevPtr->nextPtr = currPtr->nextPtr; //prevPtr points to the nextPtr
                     free(tempPtr); //delete unused node memory
                     return 1; //confirm it has been found

int isEmpty(ListNodePtr sPtr)
       return sPtr == NULL;

void printList(ListNodePtr currPtr)
       if (currPtr != NULL)
              printf("The list is:\n");

              //while not end of list
              while (currPtr != NULL)
                     //print the entry
                     printf("%d --> ",currPtr->value);
                     currPtr = currPtr->nextPtr;
       else printf("The list is empty.\n\n");

void displayInstructions();

int main()
       ListNodePtr startPtr = NULL; //init start of list
       int choice; //user's choice
       int item; //user's list entry

       printf("> ");
       scanf("%d",&choice); //get input

       while (choice != 3) //end program if '3' entered
              switch (choice)
              case 1:
                     printf("Enter a number: ");
              case 2:
                     if (!isEmpty(startPtr))
                           printf("Enter character to be deleted: ");

                           if (destroy(&startPtr,item))
                                  printf("%d deleted.\n",item);
                           else printf("%d not found.\n\n",item);
                     else printf("List is empty.\n\n");
              case 3:
                     return 0;
              default: break;

              printf("> ");

       return 0;

void displayInstructions()
       printf("Enter your choice:\n\t1 to insert an element into the list.\n\t2 to delete an element from the list.\n\t3 to end.\n");


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