

Back into playing shit loads of Doom all the time, played some amazing custom wads. Will briefly review the standout ones - so I can remember and maybe play them again 10 years down the line.

Title: NeoDoom Gold
Features: New Weapons, New Textures, New Levels, New Enemies
Difficulty Played: UV
Complete? Yes - including Map3

Very good mod, has non-linear level design though some levels especially the city levels it's very easy to get lost - I had to open up two maps in Doom Builder 2 to work out where the switches work. Sometimes switches can be a pain to find, other times there is a lot of backtracking to find what the switch opens. A bit too many custom enemies though, I've played around with a lot of them when I attempted to make Doom levels a while back.

New Enemies (that I can remember)
SSG Zombie
Cyborg - Plasma gunner that has WAY too much health, probably over twice that of a Baron. It's ridiculous
Rocket Launcher Zombie
Pain Essential - Reskinned Pain Element that shoots green plasma
Lord of Hell - Similar to Baron except occassionally chucks three plasma balls at you and has a lot more health
Dragon - Flies and shoots lots of fire
Giant Monster - Weak attacks but loadsa health
Rocket Launcher Beast thing - IIRC this was a boss of Duke, lots of health and shoots more rockets than a cyberdemon
Cacolich - Reskinned Cacodemon, more health and its plasma homes in
Incubus - The Mancubii's bigger brother - fatter, healthier and shoots plasma and rockets
Black Demon - Reskinned Pinky with a little more health
Humped Imp - Slow with damaging melee attack
Black Imp - Hides until it attacks you, very annoying
Rats - Hardly any damage output, but really fucking annoying to shoot, everywhere, and they don't count towards the kill count
Vixen - Tall, kicks and has a BFG-eqsue weapon. Way tougher than a Cyberdemon
Megavixen - Vixen, but taller and twice as hard

Level themes:
Space Base, Snow area, Cities, Mall, Underground, Hell

New weapons are way more powerful, but you need them to deal with tougher enemies: dual pistols, machinegun (super fast chaingun), quad shotgun, homing rocket launcher, knife, railgun, plasma pistol, nailgun, super BFG, dissappearing gun, skull totem, skull gun


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