Reverse Engineering Jet Set Radio HD - Part 9


I've updated Jet Set Reverse using code from PuyoTools (to convert PVR to PNG), this automates the Exporting of textures from the BIN file as the user no longer has to use PuyoTools to decode to texture from PVR to PNG. And I've made the program generate a config file with the settings of the PVR files, so that the PNG files can be automatically converted back to PVR using pvrconv through the application, thus no need for the user to use the command prompt.

Thus the new workflow is:

  • AFS Explorer: Extract desired BIN file
  • Jet Set Reverse: Export textures from BIN file
  • Image Editing
  • Jet Set Reverse: Import textures to BIN file
  • AFS Explorer: Import newly created BIN file
It's a lot quicker now. New tutorial (and version) coming when I've tested a few more characters!

Also some .bmp labels need to be changed to .png >_< (Originally used bitmaps, now uses pngs)


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