Reverse Engineering Jet Set Radio HD - Part 4


I did it! After a painstaking few hours, I now have an (albeit boring custom texture in Jet Set Radio HD!)

The process (after the trial and error of testing various failing methods):
  • Open the file PLAYER.AFS using AFS Explorer
  • Export GUMTXR.BIN
  • Split apart using my custom program into PVR files
  • Convert the PVR I want to edit into PNG using PuroTools
  • Edit the PNG and save as BMP
  • Convert back to PVR using pvrconv.exe with the parameters: pvrconv -565 -v3 -gi 5 "RIPPED_1.bmp" (The global index, gi, will be dependent on the original PVR file - find that out using PuroTools) 
  • Merge PVR file(s) into BIN using my custom program
  • Import the BIN into PLAYER.AFS making sure the BIN file does not exceed the maximum size allocated, in GUMTXR's case the maximum size is 47104 bytes
The next post should be a full guide to how to do this process. Just need to finish a bit of boring UI coding :(


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