I did it! After a painstaking few hours, I now have an (albeit boring custom texture in Jet Set Radio HD!)
The process (after the trial and error of testing various failing methods):
The process (after the trial and error of testing various failing methods):
- Open the file PLAYER.AFS using AFS Explorer
- Split apart using my custom program into PVR files
- Convert the PVR I want to edit into PNG using PuroTools
- Edit the PNG and save as BMP
- Convert back to PVR using pvrconv.exe with the parameters: pvrconv -565 -v3 -gi 5 "RIPPED_1.bmp" (The global index, gi, will be dependent on the original PVR file - find that out using PuroTools)
- Merge PVR file(s) into BIN using my custom program
- Import the BIN into PLAYER.AFS making sure the BIN file does not exceed the maximum size allocated, in GUMTXR's case the maximum size is 47104 bytes
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