Surprisingly I actually made progress!
Failed Attempt:
I opened the file in a hex editor, attempted to read a Java program to read the file, but given no spec, this was unsuccessful.
Successful Attempt:
Then I did some Googling of the common header in the files (common words were GBIX and PVRT). I found a command line program called Ripper. This said it was successful but still couldn't view the image. It converted it to a PVR file, so I searched that. PVR is a texture file commonly used in Dreamcast games! I used this to view the files and ended up with!
(Next, provided I find the file specification of PVR, I will write a .bin -> .pvr -> .png converter. Then I shall try vice versa, and hopefully textures will be able to be modded!)
Reverse Engineering Jet Set Radio HD - Part 2
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