Ludum Dare 28 - Mare Imbrium

Ludum Dare 28 - Mare Imbrium


I suppose I should write about this (I intended to on Monday/Tuesday but forgot)...

Last weekend (13th/14th/15th) was the weekend of Ludum Dare (the 28th event) where you have to create a game in roughly 48 hours. You can enter a competition, but I really don't like competitions - I just want to code. Anyway I had been playing a lot of Doom: Rogue-Like (DoomRL), so I was inspired to make my own (simple) Rogue-like using LibGDX in 48 hours. (I eventually settled on the name "Mare Imbrium", not even that fond of it). I got basic gameplay mechanics down, the maps were predetermined - couldn't really attempt procedural generation in the timeframe. There are three levels, the third is a sort of 'boss' level - a new enemy type is introduced and it's pretty difficult. I seem to be able to beat it 40% of tries.

="">before I forget, you play as a schoolgirl shooting killer robots.





I'm now expanding the game, I have procedural map generation in place, need to do item placement and enemy placement. Fix a couple of gameplay bugs and should have a vaguely playable alpha. Not sure what I shall call this one, I'm not pushed for time in thinking of a name this time!


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