JLPT N4 Kanji Journey - Day 一


Since I've now learned the kanji (not the readings, only the English meanings) required for the 103 kanji for N5, it's time to move onto the next 180 kanji for N4. I've read it's a good idea to blog all your progress. I'm aiming to learn around 10 - 20 kanji a day. (Also learning grammar and vocabulary simulataneously).

I will be using this site as a guide: http://www.jlptstudy.net/N4/index.html

The kanji I know already:

兄 elder brother
光 light, ray
力 power, strength
品 goods
  question, problem
声 voice
夏 summer
好 like
方 direction, person
悪 bad, evil
思 think
心 heart, mind, spirit
明 bright, light
林 woods
森 forest
楽  music
死  death
海  sea
牛  cow
犬  dog
田 rice field
私 I
色 colour
門  gate
風  wind
鳥  bird
魚  fish

So I'm at 27/180, 15% of the way:

I will start off learning the simpler kanji as they are more likely to be used as radicals:

不 negative, non-
工  craft, construction
元  beginning, origin
夕  evening
回  -times, round, occurance counter
図  map, drawing, plan
合  fit, suit, join
区  section, area, zone
引  pull, quote
用  use
止  stop
正  correct
自  oneself
首  neck
近  near
赤 red

(A couple of these I know, I just didn't register when I first skimmed through). So that's 16 kanji for today! Let's go!


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