Preparing for my trip to Japan (Part 1)


In 66 days I will be in Japan.
(In 69 days I will be seeing my favourite band live for the first time.
In 70 days I will be seeing my favourite band live for the second time.
In 71 days I will be seeing my favourite band live for the third time.)

The problem is that I only know a little Japanese, and I'm going alone. I've never been outside of Europe before so this is quite a big adventure for me. I will most likely be armed with a large backpack and a smaller bag (hand luggage size):

 mmm... 新鮮なみだら...

Regardless of how I carry my luggage (or how well hung I am), neither of those with help me with the language barrier. I can ask people basic questions:


But when they reply, I'll hear it like such:

SoIballsohardmuhfuckaswannafindmefirstniggasgottafind meWhat’s50grandtoamuhfuckalike meCanyoupleaseremindme?

To which, all I'll be able to do is blankly stare at them and stutter:


 So I am intensely cramming in, and I've learnt more than I expected I would in the time I've spent. Though the current book I'm using (Japanese For Busy People I, First Edition) is well known for it's lack of helping the reader use the langauge to construct their own sentences. Which is my main problem. I'm fine with reading (Hira/Kata NOT Kanji) - though my vocabulary needs a bit (a lot) more cramming; but creating my own sentences seems to be a mythical action at this point in time.

So I've ordered another book, Japanese From Zero! Part 1, which should hopefully arrive Tuesday or Wednesday next week (unforunately I couldn't find a pdf of it to skim through and preview it - but it did get really good reviews - both YouTube and Amazon). This book seems to be better are giving the reader the skills to construct their own sentences which I'm looking forward to.


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