Heapsort algorithm


 Apologies for the lack of comments but I don't tend to comment small personal projects.

On a high note this runs twice as fast as my mergesort which I created for my algorithms coursework - I had to resort to using STL Vectors due to memory leaks occuring... Not fun

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

template <typename T>
class heap
       int maxSize;
       int curSize;
       T *data;

       int getLeft(int index) { return (index<<1)+1; }
       int getRight(int index) { return (index<<1)+2; }
       int getParent(int index) { return (index-1)>>1;}
       int getLargestChild(int index) { int l=getLeft(index), r=getRight(index); if (this->data[l] > this->data[r]) return l; else return r; }
       void swapWithParent(int index);

       void siftDown(int, int);
       int getSize() const { return this->maxSize; }

       heap( int Size=100 ) { this->maxSize = Size; this->data = new T[maxSize]; curSize=0; }
              delete[] data;
              data = NULL;
       //data entry/removal
       void addElement(T);
       void removeRoot();

       void Heapify(const T*, int);
       void Heapsort();

       //output funcs
       void printAsArray();
       void printAsTree();

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::Heapify(const T *arr, int size)
       for (int i=0;i<size;i++)

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::siftDown(int start, int end)
       int root = start;

       while (getLeft(root) <= end)
              int child = getLeft(root);
              int swap = root;

              if (this->data[swap] < this->data[child])
                     swap = child;

              if (child+1 <= end && this->data[swap] < this->data[child+1])
                     swap = child + 1;

              if (swap != root)
                     root = swap;
              else return;

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::Heapsort()
       int pos = this->curSize-1;

       while (pos > 0)

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::swapWithParent(int index)

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::addElement(T val)
       if (this->curSize > 0)
              int i,j;


              this->data[j] = val;

              while (this->data[j] > this->data[i] && i >= 0)
                     j = i;
                     i = getParent(i);
       else this->data[0] = val;


template <typename T>
void heap<T>::removeRoot()
       this->data[0] = this->data[curSize---1]; //set the root to the last node and reduce the heap size
       int i=0;
       while (1)
              int index = this->getLargestChild(i);
              if (this->data[i] < this->data[index])
                     i = index;
              else return;

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::printAsArray()
       cout << " { ";
       for (int i=0;i<this->maxSize-1;i++)
              cout << this->data[i] << " , ";
       cout << this->data[this->maxSize-1] << " } \n";

template <typename T>
void heap<T>::printAsTree() //modified from http://xoax.net/comp/sci/algorithms/Lesson9.php
        // Find the largest power of two, That is the depth
       int iDepth = 0;
       int iCopy = this->curSize;
       while (iCopy > 0) {
              iCopy >>= 1;

       int iMaxWidth = (1 << iDepth);
       int iCharWidth = 4*iMaxWidth;
       int iEntry = 0;

       for (int i = 0; i < iDepth; ++i) {
              int iPowerOf2 = (1 << i);
              for (int j = 0; j < iPowerOf2; ++j) {
                     int iSpacesBefore = ((iCharWidth/(1 << (i + 1))) - 1);
                      // Spaces before number
                     for (int k = 0; k < iSpacesBefore; ++k) {
                           cout << " ";
                      // Output an extra space if the number is less than 10
                     if (this->data[iEntry] < 10) {
                           cout << " ";
                      // Output the entry and the spaces after it
                     cout << this->data[iEntry];
                     if (iEntry >= this->curSize) {
                           cout << endl;
                     for (int k = 0; k < iSpacesBefore; ++k) {
                           cout << " ";
              cout << endl << endl;

void printArray(int *a, int s)
       cout << " { ";
       for (int i=0;i<s-1;i++)
              cout << a[i] << " , ";
       cout << a[s-1] << " } \n";

int main() {

       int size = 1000000;

       heap<float> Heap(size);
       float *arr = new float[size];
       for (int i=0;i<size;i++)
              arr[i] = rand()%100000/5474;
       int s = clock();
       cout << clock()-s<<endl;

       delete[] arr;

    return 0;


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